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Shamanic Healing

Shamanic healing provides medicine for the soul, and works to restore harmony in your mind, body and energetic field. 


At its most simple level, a classical shamanic healing will consist of extraction work to clear your system of blocks and misplaced energy, followed by a restoration of power, often through soul retrieval or power animal retrieval. This helps to restore vitality and energy at a deep level as well as reconnecting you to gifts and talents which may have lain dormant for many years.


If you are ready to heal and welcome change into your life, shamanic healing offers you a gateway to powerful personal transformation.

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In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions:

"When did you stop dancing?  When did you stop singing?  When did you stop being enchanted by stories?  When did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence?"


~ Gabrielle Roth

Shamanic healings may take place over 1 or more sessions, with each session lasting 60-90 minutes.  Some clients choose to return for regular "check ups" to optimise and maintain their well-being. Additionally I work with you to help you discover the best way for you to integrate the healing session, so you may deepen into your healing journey.


Shamanic Healing effects change at a deep energetic level, and as such is as effective when undertaken remotely. To honour the healing your are inviting into your life, we will agree a time for the healing work to take place. This enables you to be present to reflect on the healing change you are inviting whilst the shamanic work is occurring, and for how you will honour your own healing journey.


We connect after the healing either via zoom or mobile so I can share the nature of the work as well as offering you practices which will help you integrate the healing changes into your life.


Costs range from £60 for a single one hour session to £90 for a 90 minute session.





I offer healing work to not only human clients, but also animals, the land and homes. Just as we can experience power and soul loss, so can our much loved animal companions, especially if they have been through many homes or experienced abuse at the hands of a human at some point in their lives. A shamanic healing works to restore what has been lost and can be undertaken remotely as well as in the presence of the animal.


Shamanic healing both complements and works alongside contemporary medicine, and should not be considered a replacement for it.  If you would like to talk to me about shamanic healing or to arrange a healing session, please get in touch.


To be human is to become visible
while carrying what is hidden as a gift to others.


~ David Whyte

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