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Sanctuary Circles

Free Monthly Online Gatherings





I extend to you an open invitation to meet within a free monthly Sanctuary Circle.


Within these safe, nurturing spaces we will explore a theme in ways which invite the wisdom of our wild souls to emerge. There will be the opportunity to do some beautiful reflective writing (so bring do pens/pencils and a journal!) and to unfold ever deeper layer of your innate wisdom and intuitive knowing. You will discover how simple questions can invoke unexpected and illuminating answers which can offer sustenance, meaning and deep wisdom.


Each month has a core theme, and on occasion I host additional gatherings when, for instance, the magnitude of a global event invites our attention and compassionate inquiry.

In meeting together within a Sanctuary circle and sharing aspects of what we discover during our explorations, we together become greater than the sum of our parts. In this way we can together deepen the collective wisdom of those in the circle.


In joining the gatherings you will become more familiar with how to access your own wild soul's knowing, as well as how to create a space of sanctuary for others.


This is a FREE offering.

There are no snags, there is no hidden marketing. It is a simple gift of Sanctuary from me to you, in what for many of us are challenging and troubling times.



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In order to follow inner wisdom, we have to first know it. In order to know it, we have to hear it; to hear it, we have to be still...

Listen to what you can hear when you are being still.

~ Anne D. LeClaire

Within each Sanctuary Circle


  • We create a sanctuary for all present

  • Exploring a theme, we invoke our wild souls wisdom.

  • We deepen our own knowing and insight.

  • We root into our unique sense of BEing so we are nourished and strengthened by it.


These gatherings are not coaching spaces, but it is not unusual to gain practical insights into how to bring positive change into daily life as a result of being a part of each call.

Sanctuary Circle details and joining instructions will be emailed out to those who are interested a couple of weeks in advance so you can save the date in your diary. If you would like to receive these details along with any other Wild Soul Coaching offerings please sign up using the form below. You'll receive an email right away, so please check your junk mail if it doesn't appear in your inbox!


It is my hope to make recordings of each Sanctuary Circle available for those who wish to attend, but for whatever reason cannot make the time and date. So long as I have internet (and power!) on my narrowboat home I will email out a link to the recording the day following each circle.


If you know anyone you feel would benefit in joining a Sanctuary Circle, please share this page with them.


With love,


Sanctuary Circle Sign Up
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